Abstract Landscapes in Mixed Media with Sue Wood (20/21 July)



July 20/21 2024



6 hours per day/12 hours in total

Location CAW, Studio B
Address 21 Blaxland Crescent Griffith ACT
Class size 12
Price $303.00 (including GST): CAW Member | ASOC Coupon 

$379.00 (including GST): Non-Member

9 in stock

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In this workshop participants will explore a process led approach to making expressive abstract landscapes using mixed media on paper. Working on several pieces simultaneously, we will experiment with mark making, collage and layering of paint to create semi- abstract landscapes that evoke a sense of real or imagined places. This workshop is for anyone who wants to introduce some spontaneity into their painting practice. At the end of the workshop participants will have developed a collection of samples for future reference and several resolved works on paper.

Materials list

8-10 pieces of A3 sized smooth heavyweight paper (approx. 300gsm), such as Snowdon cartridge or hot-press watercolour paper. Choose something you won’t be intimidated to use.

Sketchbook or extra paper for experiments.

Water soluble pencil or chalk in a dark colour, such as an Inktense block, Artgraf or Wollf’s carbon pencil

Black acrylic ink

PVA glue or matte medium for collaging paper

Acrylic paint. Good choices are red iron oxide or burnt sienna, cadmium or hansa yellow medium, ultramarine blue, black and titanium white. But bring what you have rather than buying paint just for this workshop. Mixing and experimenting with colour is part of the fun.

Brushes. A small selection of brushes of different sizes, flat and round. You will need one soft round brush and a flat stiff brush.

Small selection of coloured pencils, oil pastels, wax crayons. Don’t buy anything special, just bring what you have.


Spray bottle

Old credit card

Painting rags or paper towel

Water pots

Bring and apron and/or wear old clothes

About the tutor

Dr Sue Wood is known for her textiles and artist books, which have been widely exhibited in Australia and overseas. She currently works primarily with paint and paper, creating work about landscape and place. Her most recent solo exhibition ‘In Place’ was held at the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery in 2021. Her work can be seen at www.paddocknotes.com or @paddocknotes on Instagram.
Sue is an experienced teacher, including two decades as a lecturer at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga.


Mixed media – collage, ink and paint 

Skill level

All levels, but a willingness to experiment is necessary


Cancellation / Refund Policy

Cancellation/Refund policy can be found HERE