With Ilona Lasmanis

Ilona Lasmanis

Ilona Lasmanis is an enthusiastic print maker with experience in a variety of relief printing techniques. She is a professionally trained art teacher with a wide scope of teaching experience over a 40+year teaching career. Ilona has exhibited extensively both as a member of Caw and independently.

Multi coloured reduction lino block printing Workshop

17/18 August 2024

The creation of a multi-coloured lino block print is a reduction printing process which means that at the end of the print run the original lino block has been destroyed because with each successive layer of colour more of the original block is . ie the number of prints in the edition has to be decided at the beginning of the process.

Tutor  Ilona Lasmanis
Workshop Multi coloured reduction lino block printing
Dates 17/18 August 2024
Hours 10am – 4pm:  (12 hours total)
Non-member $195.00
CAW & ASOC members $156.00

Title Concertina Art Books - Mixed Media

17/18 August 2024

Participants in this short course will explore a variety of paper folding techniques, starting with the concertina book. Through simple techniques such as relief printing, stamping, frontage, collage, stitching and mixed media. Using the classic concertina format, participants will create a sophisticated art object.
Over the 6 weeks there will be opportunities to explore other folding techniques such as the Star book and the Japanese stitched book.

Tutor  Ilona Lasmanis
Workshop Multi coloured reduction lino block printing
Dates Tuesday 23 July – Tuesday 27 August  6 Weeks
Hours 6pm – 8pm x 6 weeks – 12 Hours total
Non-member $231.00
CAW & ASOC members $185.00